Ancillary 1

Looking at real media, Soap Posters

I looked at soap websites during the planning process. I decided to do this because for one of my ancilliary products I have to create a website to promote and broadcast my soap through. Doing this would allow me to learn about the conventions of soap websites, enabling me to create a product that was more suitable for my target audience when producing my product.
Below are a list of all of the conventions that I've discovered on the soap websites:
- Insitution branding- such as ITV, BBC and channel 4
- Soap branding- such as Coronation ST, Eastenders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks
- Spoliers in the form of videos and images
- Schedule 
- Opportunities to catch up
- News
- Upcoming episodes
- Backgrounds from the soap 
- Adverts on Hollyoaks

This was my Final product, I used the WEEBLY editor at the top of the page to add elements to my webiste for example pictures, titles, columns and youtube links.





Ancillary 2

Soap posters, here we looked at existing posters and linked the photos fonts and colour schemes to the genres that the audience expected to see from the soap. Here I realised what photos, colours and layout I would need to include in order to attract the youthful audience. 
The conventions that ran through all the existing media soap posters were;

SUBHEADING. The poster “speaks” to audience

the words link to the
image so the characters
address the audience
visibility from a distance

colour coding and relevant

channel + date of broadcast +

font with genre relevance

small sponsor logo details eg Baileys,

a strong binary
as a group we set out trying to capture photos that we could use for our soap poster, as a group we all printed out pictures of our faces and found mes en scene that suited the soap for example brick walls, college buildings ect. These all described the enviroment of the characters.
we then all took it in turns to position the characters so that clear relationships could be identified by the audience. The poster described what the audience expected from the soap and using enigmatic questions in the poster made the audience want to watch it. Including the time, date and channel guided the audience on where they were going to find the answer.
Once I produced my first poster and got audience feedback I realise that other layouts of posters might be more effective for my target audience and genre. 
I began redesigning my poster changing the photo to a POV shot as it was more enigmatic and gave away more of the story than using a set up of character. 

I chose this photo as it included the characters involved in the plot through the photo but also revealed the danger the characters had ahead of them. This was shown through the ripped photo. 
I then played with fonts to see which one would give of the best impression of my soap. 
I selected my favorites and added a sponsor and adjusted levels on the photo to create my poster that can be found on the tool bar at the top. 

Planning for Trailer

we looked at existing soap trailers from Hollyoaks, The only way is essex and more..
We noticed similar conventions that ran through all soap trailers for example

 The music represents the theme of the trailer for example playing
music that reflects romance like "the texas and dodger story"

The audience is also represented and reflected through the MES
this draws the audience in as it is relevant to their life

Costumes and props are used in the MES to tell the story and
  reflect the characters

The characters are extremely stereo typed and their behaviour is
exaggerated this helps to quickly reflect the plot to the

There are quick montage edits cutting through the scenes picking
up the pace of the plot

Using binary such as flicking between good and

At the end they line up all characters showing their role in the 

And the trailers always finish with a cliff 
The trailers are all representing different enigmas, allowing the 
audience to puzzle it together

The title time and brand are all shown at the end, giving the 
audience information about where to find the soap

They usually converge the soap website into the trailer 

Part 2, Media Debates & Theory

We looked at our own choice of trailers, I chose skins...

We cut out photos and stuck them on making a story board we wrote
all the features around the pictures that made up the trailer, including
Dialogue and music.

They looked like this...

Narrative Archetypes

Below is the Texas and Dodger story from Hollyoaks here we identified which archetype it was. Which was Romeo and Juliet.
we looked at the events that took place in a sopa trialer, discovering within the time limit where and when the brand, climax and information are revealed.

Basic character archetypes

We then looked at all the different Narrative archetypes you find
in a trailer.

We came across 9 key plots

Achilles - The
Fatal Flaw -
that is the groundwork for practically all classical

Making a deal with the Devil. The Debt that Must be Paid, the fate that catches
up with all of us sooner or

and Isolde

- that standard love triangle plot of two women and one man, or two men and one

- The Spider and the Fly. Its a chase narrative Circe
  first tried to cast a spell over Odysseus and his men by using enchanted food
  and drink to turn them into animals, but she later assisted them in their
  journey home.

- Unrecognised virtue at last recognised. It's the same story as the Tortoise
and the Hare. Cinderella doesn't have to be a girl, nor does it even have to be
a love story. What is essential is that the good is despised, but is recognised
in the end.

and Juliet

- Boy meets Girl, Boy
loses Girl, Boy either finds or does not find Girl: it
doesn't matter


and Euridice

- The GIFT
taken Away. This may take two forms: either the tragedy of the loss
or it may be about the search that follows the loss.
to the underworld and by his music softened the hearts
and Persephone

who agreed to allow Eurydice to return with him to earth on one condition:
should walk in front of her and not look back until they both had
reached the
upper world. He set off with Eurydice following, and, in his anxiety, he turned
to look at her, forgetting that both needed to be in the
upper world, and she
vanished for the second time, but now


Hero Who Cannot Be Kept Down

Homeless Loner

Aragorn, who starts as Strider
(homeless) in Fellowship of the
Ring, transcends the archetype and becomes


As well as archetypes in narratives and characters they also feature the typical genres

Genres in soaps are similar to those in 
film/book which can be anything from action to adventure, art, drama, education

Soaps are typically Dramas although you can have Documentary Dramas that are re telling a story from a different angle acted out by actors but playing real characters such as the “Mr Biggs”

You can also have Dramality Dramas which
is a combination of Television drama mixed with reality TV for example

We have the basic Characters
in every soap trailer that helps to tell the story;

Such as the Villians, The
providers, Helpers, Princess (damsel in distress), Dispatcher (sends hero on a
mission), Hero and the False Hero.

No matter what the plot is a
combination of these will appear through the story. These help to climax and
anti climax the story and they all have their roles to play.

Running through all trailers are media debates these grab the audiences attention using MODE OF ADDRESS.
Examples of media debates are; SEX, DRUGS, TEENAGE PREGNANCY ect

Putting Media Debates in a Trailer hooks the audience you are aiming to attract as it explains to the viewers what genre, what characters and what plots this SOAP will include.
I have researched 2 media debates that were found in The Daily Mail
The first was about TOWIE star Chloe where she admitted to going to extreme measures of plastic surgery after twitter abuse. In this article it synergised social networking, with bullying and the debate of plastic surgery. 
I looked at how this article would influence audiences, and realised that as well as promoting plastic surgery to boost confidence it was also promoting "STOP BULLYING". 
the naked photos attracted the audiences attention of both women and men affectively. 
The second was about Tulisa a british pop star who has just been introduced to the x factor show. This article talked about the contrast between a brunette and blonde hair style. this article has divided the audience up into two categories. The brunette party girls and the blond sensible girls. Here this article has raised discussion between the two categories and caused them to get involved in the topic. Therefore this article is a good media debate and gets the audience involved in what hair colour she is going to choose next. Also influencing young girls to find a different side of themselves. 

Part 3/4, Story Board & Performance


Using examples of real media we looked at the TOWIE clip for an example. Taking note of shot types, colours, script that was used to introduce the characters. 

As a team we then wrote scripts for both using the best bits of the trailers. For example including, boobs, snog, its over. This was to show how effective the script is in any piece of media as it represents the humour and reveals some of the action that is going to take place in the episodes. Giving the audience an exciting sneak peak into what they are about to watch. 

Technology, camera operation

These simple steps below were given to us to instruct us on how to operate the camera in the most effective way, as shots that are in focus and have a sturdy view of the action are the most effective to use when duplicating existing media. 
Canon or 5 panasonic cameras

1.       Turn it on

2.       Pull screen out

3.       See video through lcd

4.       Zoom with toggle

5.       Big red record button at back

6.       Thats all you need to know for filming

7.       After open little switch see memory card and can put in usb slot

8.       Tripod;

9.       Nice steady shot

10.   Plate on top, pull latch plate comes off

11.   Goes underneath camera

12.   Screw in

13.   Pull latch back and it goes back on

14.   Spread tripod legs

15.   Open latch on legs to make it longer or shorter

16.   only pause = sequence on mac

Setting up a Tripod

1. Fit for purpose 
the release plate enables you to attach and detach your camera from the tripod head quickly and easily

2. On solid ground It’s no use if your tripod legs are bouncing around make sure they meet something solid

3. Pull out the most substantial sections of the legs first and then evenly extend the legs to get an even stance

4. then simply slip the camera onto the release plate in the direction you are going to shoot, and begin shooting. 

The Green Screen

We filmed out TOWIE trailer in front of the green screen as we could then just like Towie did, edit in backgrounds to suit the gender, age and emotion of the characters. 
I spent a while searching for background that represented and contrasted with one another the difference between MALE and FEMALE. 
I also made sure that males were filmed on one side of the shot while women were on the other. This also divided up the actors and represented them as two teams to the audience just like the Geordie Shore one did below. 

The Cut

We then story boarded two scenes each that we choose and analysed the shot types, angles, zoom and tracking of the clips. Then to duplicate as our own work when directing the actors in the shoot.

This was my story board and script below. 

Below are print screens of our work as a group. 
Once uploading them to the apple Macs we could edit the clips on Imovie, shortening the clips for rapid effect, re-arranging the clips to tell the story of The Cut and also adding music and deleting sounds that did not suit the atmosphere the original cut clip had. 
We did exactly the same for another soap trailer of our choice, this gave us a variety of shot types to use in our final official trailer as we were using conventions from a variety of different stories and scenes. 

Home and Away

we looked at a final existing product in home and away. Looking at all the different shot types, MES and costumes we then duplicated the clips by setting up a room in college with similar lighting and costumes taking in turns to set up each shot and then film it. 
Here is the clip we looked at 
From this we split into groups and analysed separate parts of the sequence, print screening all the different shot types we would then duplicate in our own part scene. 
Below is my story board, another member of the group copied the script and then on set we filmed and directed the actors into the characters. Making sure we had a variety of medium close up shots, establishing shots and POV shots.  

The Location was in the drama room where we used props such as tables, beer bottles, coloured lights to set the scene. 
We loaned 2 tripods from our technicians and set them up following the tripod instructions above we also then used 2 Canon 550D dslr and again following the technology instructions above we began filming. 

The music from the clip was hard house/trance music playing so we found a Marco Carola track that we used in order to set the scene for the actors. Even though I cut all the sound out and added my own track in imovie. 

This is us in action. 
Once we had collected a variety of shot types all that could be combined to make a story line that had a beginning a middle and an end we used imovie to cut clips, add title cards, add transitions and create a montage edit of all our shots. 
How I worked imovie can be found in evaluation Q1.  

All this planning work enabled my to create a trailer for my soap NorthWesters, it also enabled my product to be very similar to real media as I followed the conventions and tactics real producers use in order to attract and address audience. 

From this trailer I also produced a soap poster in order for the soap NorthWesters to be recognized by audience, this would then push views to switch on the soap at the right time on the viewed channel. 

If the audience enjoyed the soap they could then log on to the NorthWesters website I produced, where they could find out more about the characters, the plot and events coming up. This would then allow the Soap to have hold on the audience and understand their needs a lot better, allowing them to address the audience effectively.